DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-6-459-465
UDC 629.78
SSAU, Department of Space Exploration;; Post-Graduate Student
A. A. Sobolev
SSAU, Department of Space Exploration;; Undergraduate Student
E. V. Ustyugov
SSAU, Department of Space Exploration;;
S. V. Shafran
Samara National Research University; junior researcher
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Abstract. A system of power supply for nanosatellite of the SamSat family is developed, the basic quantitative and qualitative criteria for the system components selection and its tactical and technical characteristics are presented. Statistics of power consumption of typical onboard systems of SamSat nanosatellites including an onboard computer with various operation modes, transceiver, navigation receiver with motion control system, and camera is analyzed. Results of model calculations of energy consumption by the nanosatellite with the account for the work of all providing the service onboard systems are demonstrated. Characteristic of available commercially manufactured power system elements such as battery, solar panel and the system controller are reviewed briefly. The internal scheme of interaction of elements of power supply system controller with each other is discussed, and interaction between elements of the power supply system as a whole is considered.
Keywords: nanosatellite, system of a satellite power supply, solar panel, on-board nanosatellite systems
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