DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-7-563-570
UDC 681.786
ITMO University; Professor
A. A. Moiseeva
ITMO University, Department of Optical-Electronic Devices and Systems; Student
V. P. Hoang
ITMO University, Department of Optical-Electronic Devices and Systems; Post-Graduate
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Abstract. The problem of increasing the working distance of optical-electronic autocollimator when applied to determination of an object angular position is considered. It is proposed to use a quadrangular pyramidal reflector to improve the autocollimator features. An algorithm of measurement using an autocollimator with the proposed reflector is developed. Reflective properties of pyramidal mirror systems are analyzed, comparison of such systems with the proposed pyramidal reflector is presented.
Keywords: autocollimation measurements, control of precision docking, control of deformations, determination of object rotation angles, pyramidal reflector
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