DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-7-592-599
UDC 681.7.022.2:65.011.56
ITMO University, Department of Instrument-Making Technology ; Associate professor
O. S. Timofeeva
ITMO University, Department of Instrumentation Technology; Student
Y. I. Yablochnikov
ITMO University; Department Head
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Abstract. Possible ways of reduction of terms of designing and manufacturing of injection molding equipment in small-scale production are considered. It is expected to reduce the time through the application of reusable molds and manufacture only the forming parts with reasonably selected technology regarding to lot size and requirements for manufactured polymer products. It is proposed to use the effective tools of designing and modeling that are included with modern CAD/CAE/CAM systems, as well as organizing the processes of technological preparation of production in a single information space that will allow exchanging technical and organizational information to make coordinated decisions in real time, and eventually significantly reduce communication costs and data processing. At all stages of technological preparation of production the use of the principles and methods of group technology is proposed.
Keywords: injection molding tooling, material of molds, CAD/CAM/CAE, integrated information space, group technology
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