DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-10-813-821
UDC 62-50
Popov Navy Institute of Radioelectronics, Department of Radioelectronics, St. Petersburg; Professor
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Abstract. A method is proposed for improvement of automatic control system functioning is proposed. The method is based on transformation of reference signal by a specially designed filter. The quality of free processes in the closed loop of the control and stabilization of its dynamic properties are provided by negative feedbacks on controlled variable derivatives. Accuracy in steady state and the quality of transient processes under exposure to reference signal are assured by the reference signal filter. The effectiveness of the proposed method of ensuring the quality of control in the case of reaction to reference signal as well as for non-zero initial conditions is demonstrated by the example of non-minimum phase system.
Keywords: automatic control system, correction, conversion, reference signal, non-minimum phase system
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