DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-11-952-958
UDC 004.414:(615.47:616-072.7)
SPIIRAS, Laboratory of Biomedical Informatics; St. Petersburg State University, Department of Healthcare Management; Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Department of Foundations of Special Education;
N. K. Kartashev
SPIIRAS, Laboratory of Biomedical Informatics; Scientist
O. V. Zhvalevsky
SPIIRAS, Laboratory of Biomedical Informatics; Scientist
S. B. Roudnitsky
SPIIRAS, Laboratory of Biomedical Informatics; Scientist
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Abstract. The problems of design of flexible PC-controlled systems for physiological researches are discussed. The most common case of using ready-made medical subsystems in building of the resulting system has been analysed. To mitigate inherent to this case problems as a core part is introduced the universal device synchronizing other parts of system also allowing its cascading. Considering the software design the following principles are proposed: modularity; script-based configuring of 1) hardware, 2) algorithms of registering of signals, 3) data processing algorithms; and also using of adaptive storage system.
Keywords: flexible architecture, PC-controlled system, physiology signals acquisition, polygraph investigation, modularization, script-based configuring
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