DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2017-60-3-245-250
UDC 681.586.2
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Department of Industrial Management;
T. I. Romanova
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, Department of Industrial Management; Senior Lecturer
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Abstract. Inertial engine used in short-term action devices to bring structural elements into rotational motion is considered. Torque is generated by a flat spring, and the flywheel of the engine provide the necessary momentum. Analytical expressions for calculating the size of the engine with the account for moments of inertia of its elements are presented. The formulas are derived based on the equality of angular momentum and the starting torque of the motor. The obtained expressions are used to design and manufacture a reusable experimental model of the engine; results of the model test demonstrate compliance of design characteristics with the experimental data. Absence of additional power sources reduces the cost of the developed engine and increases its reliability. The design of the engine can be used in devices used for optical image stabilization, for angular movement of astronaut seat control in the space in case of emergency, and for changing the position of rudder control of moving objects.
Keywords: inertial engine, kinetic momentum, elastic tape, starting torque, angular momentum, flywheel, optical image stabilization, astronaut seat
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