ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2017-60-3-275-279

UDC 519.673


V. A. Mikheev
BSTU “VOENMEH”; Graduate Student

V. S. Sulaberidze

V. D. Mushenko
STOLP Ltd.; General Director

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Abstract. A method of constructing a formula for effective thermal conductivity of composites based on polymer binder (silicone, polyurethane, epoxy) with powder thermally conductive dielectric fillers (quartz, corundum, aluminum nitride, silicon carbide and their paired combinations) is proposed. The method is based on generalization of experimental data, calculation and experimental determination of effective thermal conductivity of aggregates of fillers, and the search of a generalized empirical coefficient in the formula analogous to the Burger formula. Designed to meet previously identified patterns in studies of three-component mixtures and statistical modeling of their effective thermal conductivity, the formula is modified to ensure the conditions of the three limit transitions. For the empirical coefficient in the formula, a power-law dependence from relationship of the thermal conductivity of the filler to the thermal conductivity of the binder is proposed. The results of calculations of effective thermal conductivity with the proposed formula in 95% of cases differ for ±20 % from interpolation values.
Keywords: thermal conductivity, particulate material, polymer binder, modeling, linear model

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