ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2017-60-5-474-481

UDC 621.373.826: 621.389


A. I. Popov
Saratov State Technical University, Department of Theoretical Mechanics; Post-Graduate Student;

T. N. Sokolova
Saratov State Technical University, Department of Electronic Machine Building and Welding;

L. E. Surmenko
Saratov State Technical University, Department of Electronic Machine Building and Welding; Post-Graduate Student;

Y. V. Chebotarevsky
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Department of Applied Mathematics and System Analysis; Professor

D. A. Bessonov
Gagarin Saratov State Technical University, Department of Instrument Making; Post-Graduate Student

V. I. Shesterkin
Scientific-Production Enterprise "Almaz" JSC; Leading Scientist

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Abstract. Special techniques and algorithms of laser forming of emitting structures on the glassy carbon SU-2000 surface are described. The structures of pillar-shaped tips with semicircular apexes and the structures of separate needle-shaped tips with a high aspect ratio are considered. Formation of the tips on the plate is carried out in several stages, each of which used a separate bypass program of the treated surface by the laser beam and different processing parameters. To create the pillar-shaped tips the sequential layerby-layer laser milling is carried out: on the first stage a truncated cone with a flat top is formed, on the second a rounding is created, on the third micro-structuring of the surface of spherical tips is performed. Formation of needle-shaped tips is carried out also in three stages: firstly, the rough milling of the tip cylinder is carried out, on the second stage of thin processing the needle-shaped tip is milled, and on the third stage laser cleaning of the tip surface is implemented. As a result, the matrixes of microtips are obtained with packing density N≈2×105 cm-2 on the spherical apexes of field-emission cathodes and the needle-shaped tips with an aspect ratio about 500.
Keywords: лазерное фрезерование, очистка, стеклоуглерод, автоэмиссионный катод, острия, столбчатая и игольчатая форма, эмиссия

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