DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2017-60-12-1138-1145
UDC 621.317.733
Penza State University, Department of Automation and Remote Control; Associate Professor
M. A. Mishina
Penza State University, Department of Automation and Remote Control;
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Abstract. Equivalent circuits are considered for replacement the capacitive micromechanical gyroscope. Measuring convertors circuit used in gyroscopes are analyzed. In order to exclude the influence of parasitic capacitances and resistances of the parametric transformer replacement circuit and the imperfection of the measuring transducer amplifiers, the use of time separation of the required parameters conversion channels is suggested. A microprocessor-based measuring convertor circuit implementing the method of phase separation of the channels is developed. An algorithm for computing an output signal proportional to the differential sensor informative parameter, is presented.
Keywords: capacitive micromechanical gyroscope, equivalent circuit, informative parameter, measuring converter, error correction, phase separation of the channels
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