DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-2-112-117
UDC 621.2.082.18
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, 195251. Russian Federation; Associate Professor
P. P. Kovalenko
ITMO University, Department of Mechatronics; Associate Professor
T. B. Korakhanov
Department of Mechatronics, ITMO University; Student
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Abstract. Processes occurring on the surfaces of materials during interaction between metal and non-metal parts of orthoses, prostheses and exoskeletons are considered. These biomechatronic devices are noted to require careful selection of materials for their design and manufacturing with the account for both mechanical properties of the materials and their tribological characteristics. Samples of duralumin — fluoropolymer and stainless steel 100CrMn6 — fluoropolymer friction pairs are chosen for the research; the plane-on-plane contact scheme without any lubricants is applied. Results of experiments carried out with the use of the universal friction machine MTU-1 are described. Dependencies of friction torque, friction coefficient, and the temperature in the contact area on the runtime are obtained on the base of the experimental data. Estimation of the wear of contacting samples is presented. Analysis of the results are reported to justify the choice of suitable materials for design of orthoses, prostheses and exoskeletons.
Keywords: duralumin — fluoropolymer, tribological characteristics, friction coefficient, wear, temperature in the contact area, designing orthoses, prostheses and exoskeletons
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