ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-5-458-464

UDC 629.78


I. V. Belokonov
SSAU, Department of Space Exploration; Professor

I. A. Timbai
SSAU, Department of Space Exploration; Professor

U. M. Orazbayeva
SSAU, Department of Space Exploration; Post-Graduate Student

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Abstract. Resonance modes of motion relative to the center of mass of an aerodynamically stabilized nanosatellite of the CubeSat format in low circular orbits are investigated. A feature of such satellites, with the shape of rectangular parallelepipeds, is the dependence of the aerodynamic torque on the spatial angle of attack and angle of proper rotation, which creates the prerequisites for the resonance appearance. Resonance manifests itself in a sharp change in the amplitude of oscillations along the spatial angle of attack, when a linear integer combination of the frequency of oscillations of the spatial angle of attack and the mean frequency of proper rotation turns out to be close to zero. Formulas are obtained for determining the critical value of the longitudinal angular velocity of the nanosatellite, under which the conditions for the appearance of resonant motion are satisfied.
Keywords: CubeSat standard nanosatellite, aerodynamic moment, resonance modes of motion, angle of attack

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