ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / December, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-6-530-538

UDC 681.2.083, 53.082.1


A. G. Paulish
Design and Technology Institute of Applied Microelectronics, Branch of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics; Associate Professor

V. I. Sidorov
Design and Technology Institute of Applied Microelectronics, Branch of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics; Leading Engineer-Designer

V. N. Fedorinin
Design and Technology Institute of Applied Microelectronics, Branch of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics; Head of the Branch

V. A. Shatov
PODIY Firm Ltd.; Deputy Director

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Abstract. Results of development and testing of small-sized high-sensitive sensor of deformations on the base of piezo-optical transducer are presented. The sensor sensitivity to absolute deformation reaches values of the order of Δx=10–7 mm, which corresponds to a sensitivity to the relative deformation of the order of Δx/x ==10–9. Such a high sensitivity opens new possibilities in controlling various mechanisms, for example, lifts, both after their installation before starting up, and directly during the current operation. The sensor capabilities are demonstrated by the example of monitoring the movement parameters of the elevator carried out in accordance with the International Standard ISO 18738-1: 2012 (E): acceleration and braking, jerking, friction along the guides, vibration. The proposed sensor and monitoring methods with its use allow organizing feedback for engine control aimed at wear reduction, energy saving, prevention of overloads and emergency situations.
Keywords: photo-elasticity, polarization, piezo-optical transducer, deformation sensor, vibration and acceleration measurement, lifting mechanisms, elevators

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