DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-7-566-575
UDC 629.7
А. A. Maksimov Space Systems Research Institute − Branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center JSC; Professor, Senior Scientist
A. S. Burtsev
А. A. Maksimov Space Systems Research Institute − Branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center JSC, Department 994; Chief Researcher
P. A. Filonenko
А. A. Maksimov Space Systems Research Institute − Branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center JSC, Department 994; Deputy Head of Department
V. A. Mironichev
State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS; Head of Department
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Abstract. Ionizing radiation from outer space is reported to be currently the main factor affecting spacecraft reliability. In present, calculations of reliability are carried out without an account for the effect of ionizing radiation because according to normative documents, the influence of ionizing radiation is to be accounted for only in the case of the absence of requirements to electronic products durability. Two mathematical models accounting for the increasing character of elements failure rates under the influence of ionizing radiation as a function of time are proposed. The first of the models allows to evaluate the reliability of equipment with structural diagram containing an unloaded reserve. The use of the second model makes it possible to reduce the volume of spacecraft equipment ground testing using the a priori information on its reliability.
Keywords: reliability, spacecraft, reduced testing, ionized radiation
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