DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-10-892-896
UDC 531.715.1
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Physical and Quantum Electronics; Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Center for Computational and DataIntensive Science and Engineering; Fryazino Branch of Kotel’nikov IRE RAS; Engineer
M. N. Dubrov
Fryazino Branch of Kotel’nikov IRE RAS, Laboratory of Electrodynamics of Artificial Media and Structures; Leading Scientist; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Radio-Electronics and Applied Informatics; Associate Professor
E. S. Krupnik
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Innovation and High Technology;
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Abstract. A new method of performing high-precision measurements of absolute distance to reflecting object is described. The proposed principle of the measuring combines electronic method of determining distances and interferometric method of recording displacements using a meter of interference fringe fraction. A schematic diagram of proposed laser radio-interferometric meter is presented. The possibility of using changes in the length of the laser resonator and the visibility of the interference pattern in accurate long-range measurements is experimentally confirmed.
Keywords: laser, interferometer, pathfinder, helium-neon laser
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