ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-4-331-339

UDC 004.056.5


Y. S. Andreev
ITMO University, Department of Instrument-Making Technology ; Associate professor

A. M. Dergachev
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; associate professor

F. A. Zharov
ITMO University, Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems;

D. S. Sadyrin
ITMO University, Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems;

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Abstract. The modern principles of automatic process control systems (ACS-TP) design are considered, as well as the systems software and hardware components. Specific features of dispatch system characteristics of different generations of the ACS-TP implementation are analyzed. A review of existing threats and vulnerabilities in the field of information security of ACS-TP is presented. It is shown that the recent increase in computing power of ACS-TP elements is accompanied by an increase in unauthorized access to them using the Internet. A new security threat introduced by implementation of the Internet of Things protocols when working with visual data is described. A classification of the main measures aimed at protecting the automated process control systems is given, examples of regulatory documents governing actions to ensure information security and examples of software and hardware products aimed at their implementation are presented.
Keywords: ACS-TP, information security, programmable logic controller, PLC, SCADA, internet of things

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