ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-6-551-560

UDC 531.383-1,532.1 + 539.17


B. L. Sharygin
Concern CSRI Electropribor, JSC, Saint Petersburg, 197046, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, 197046, Russian Federation; Design manager

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Abstract. The problems arising in the small-scale production of two-stage float gyroscopes in the Central research Institute "Electropribor" are investigated with the help of correlation analysis. Relationships be-tween accuracy characteristics of the azimuth gyroscope and the intermediate parameters of the device fixed in the process of its manufacture, adjustment and testing are considered. Based on the correlation analysis, the influence of the FD factor on the integral estimation of the accuracy of the azimuth gyroscope is confirmed. Dynamics of the sliding correlation coefficient is studied, additional factors affecting the accuracy of the gyroscope (qualification of a gyro motor fitter, type of stator compound) are revealed. Analysis of multiple correlation of a large batch of devices confirmed that the accuracy of azimuth gyroscopes except the FD factor significantly depends on the achieved dispersion of the feedback current at final stages of thermal cycling. The both parameters significantly affect the gyro accuracy on the scale of Chaddock. Correlation analysis of the magnetic characteristics of gyro motor rotors of gyroscopes at different stages of manufacture confirms the difference in chemical composition of the rotor blanks. The use of correlation analysis is shown to be an effective mean in the study of problems arising in small-scale production of various types of sensitive elements in any gyroscopic production.
Keywords: correlation analysis, floating gyro, accuracy, factor, gyro motor

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