ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-11-1005-1014

UDC 535.6


M. V. Belodedov
N. E. Bauman Moscow State Tech-nical Universitу;

N. M. Zotov
Volgograd State Technical University;

A. V. Khoperskov
Volgograd State University, Department of Information Systems and Computer Simulation;

A. M. Chmutin
Volgograd State University, Department of Information Systems and Computer Simulation; Associate Professor

V. A. Chuiko
ITMO University; senior lecturer

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Abstract. Color saturation control tools of modern computer graphics software is analyzed. For the case of a virtual instrumentation, the concomitant error is defined as a three-dimensional value, and a classification of the error components is proposed. Two new shift-type components are introduced, and their properties are studied using sampling from 24 software packages. The criticality of one of the error components, threatening the integrity of visual information in the process of contrast transformation, is revealed. It is shown that the existing tools are not able to provide systemic color saturation contrast control, and this lim-its their application area to the tasks of image synthesis only.
Keywords: software metrology, transformation of color saturation, contrast of saturations, contrast transformation errors, graphic information integrity, expert applications

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