DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-11-1030-1033
UDC 621.313.8; 537.613
ITMO University, Department of Introscopy Technologies; Post-Graduate Student
M. Y. Marusina
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Professor, Scientific Secretary
D. A. Nevmerzhitsky
ITMO University, Faculty of Secure Information Technologie;
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Abstract. Several features of the design of the executive mechanism of the load stand for testing engines are considered. A magnetic coupling is used to measure torque and rotational speed. Parameters of the magnet-ic coupling as well as of the motor-generator used as the load device, are calculated using the finite element method. Based on presented results of numerical modeling, the main characteristics of the stand are ob-tained.
Keywords: load stand, magnetic coupling, torque sensor, synchronous motor, finite element method
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