DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2019-62-12-1105-1113
UDC 519.7
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Professor
E. E. Majorov
Saint-Petersburg state university of aerospace instrumentation; Associate professor
E. A. Yakovleva
St. Petersburg University of Aero-space Instrumentation, Ivangorod Humanitarian and Technical Institute; Department of Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Customs Information Technologies;
A. V. Dagaev
Ivangorod Humanitarian and Technical Institute, Branch of St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Information Customs Technologies; Associate Professor
A. A. Sorokin
St. Petersburg University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Ivangorod Humanitarian and Technical Institute; Department of Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Customs Information Technologies;
R. B. Guliyev
University at the EurAsEC Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies;
R. A. Kovalenko
St. Petersburg University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Ivangorod Humanitarian and Technical Institute; Department of Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Customs Information Technologies;
I. S. Tayurskaya
St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics, Department of Information Technologies and Mathematics;
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Abstract. A multi-step method of analysis and formation of the cost of rent of premises is described. A ma-trix approach to modeling the territory and infrastructure objects is proposed. The methodology allows to analyze statistical data for forecasting the cost of renting warehouse premises, choosing the optimal zone of placement of warehouse facilities. The study is aimed at development of approaches applicable for interpolation of values missing in the statistical sample, smoothing of statistical aggregate with data interpolation, and visualization of results of analysis for further expert evaluation. To solve this problem, interpolation of statistical data is performed. A Tukey boundary-based method is used to eliminate outli-ers (anomalous values); in combination with graphical modeling, the procedure is able to smooth the outliers. Cost-effective locations of storage facilities are determined by the method of multi-criteria eval-uation. As a result of the development of methods and their simulation, calculations with abstract initial data are performed. The methodology is tested on real estate objects and a set of data applicable for de-cision-making is obtained. The use of the methodology allows to obtain maps of the distribution of the rent cost, the area of influence of criteria for further expert assessment of the sector in terms of organiza-tion, placement and lease of warehouses. The technique is also proposed as a support of decision-making in the field of definition and justification of the rent price for both the tenant and the lessor.
Keywords: multi-criteria analysis, interpolation of statistical data, data visualization, premises renting
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