ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / December, 2024

Improving the Design of Supports for a Rotary Viscometer

M. G. Evsin
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Higher School of Mechanical Engineering; Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Transport; Post-Graduate Student

M. A. Skotnikova
International Scientific and Educational Center (IOC) "BaltTribo- Polytechnic"; director

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Abstract. For a rotary viscometer with an elastic element, deviation of the measurements which arises as a result of friction in the measuring unit bearings is considered. Results of estimating the error due to friction moments in the bearings using ball bearings are presented. Methods of mathematical calculation of the error caused by friction for some bearing structures are described. A promising design of the supports of the measuring part of the rotary viscometer is proposed, which allows reduction of the error due to friction. Results of experimental determination of the error from friction in the supports of the proposed design confirms the effectiveness of the design application.
Keywords: rotary viscometer, clockwork support, pivot bearing, instrument accuracy, friction, corundum, leucosapphire



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