ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / December, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2020-63-8-702-710

UDC 004.056.4


M. O. Tanygin
South-West State University, Department of In-formation Security; Head of the Department;

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Abstract. The problem of reducing information redundancy when exchanging data in networks with a long range and low power consumption is analyzed. The approach under consideration is based on reduction of the size of additional service fields that determines the information packet source and its number in the single message. To increase the entropy of these additional service fields, it is proposed to write in them a hash formed from data from other information packets of the source and the source unique identifier. A formalized algorithm for analyzing incoming information packets by the receiver which allows deter-mining the source of the information packet is described. The problem of an error in determining the se-quence number of a fragment in a single message is formulated. Based on the mathematical apparatus of the probability theory, numerical characteristics of such type of error are derived, and its influence on the information redundancy is estimated. Dependencies between the additional hash field length and number of the transmitted message fragments are presented, and the range of the values providing the minimum information redundancy is determined.
Keywords: messages source determination, probability theory, hash, packet order violation, algorithm parameters, information redundancy

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