ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / December, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2020-63-12-1119-1127

UDC 546.05; 538.958


S. M. Venevtsev
Military Innovative Technopolis "ERA", Testing Laboratory (Informatics and Computer Technology);

Y. N. Gusenitsa
Military innovative technopolis “ERA”, Anapa, 353456, Russian Federation; Head of the Research Department

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Abstract. Results of thin Zn2SnO4 films study are presented. Samples of zinc orthostannate are obtained by the sol-gel method; the gel has been applied by centrifugation on glass substrates. The samples were air dried and annealed to form a crystal structure and remove the solvent. The surface resistance of the samples is measured by the four-probe method, the thickness of the films is measured using a microinterferometer, and the resistivity is obtained by the calculation method. The surface of the samples has been examined using scanning electron microscopy at various stages of annealing. The elemental composition of the films is obtained using X-ray phase analysis. The zinc-to-tin ratio agrees with the theoretical data and is 2:1; a large amount of chlorine is also found in the films due to insufficient annealing time. The transmission spectra of the samples are obtained using a spectrophotometer. In the visible range, the transmittance is 48–75 %. The transmission spectra are used to obtain the data of the band gap of the samples by the graphical method (the intersection of the straight section of the curve with the abscissa axis). The band gap of the samples is 3.72–3.75 eV. Research results show that the Zn2SnO4 material is suitable for use in transparent electronics.
Keywords: sol-gel technology, metal oxide thin films, zinc orthostannate, transparent electronics, elemental composition, transparency, band gap

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