DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-4-316-328
UDC 629.7
Higher School of Economics, Department of Electronic Engineering; Lecturer; Senior Lecturer
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Abstract. A method is presented for evaluating reliability indicators of electronic devices of spacecraft equipment at the design stage. The method accounts for the following factors: the effectiveness of the quality management system of the implementing organization; compliance of the design results with the requirements of the terms of reference; the quality of additional tests of electrical and radio products; the quality of implementation of the necessary measures contained in the regulatory and technical documentation. The method of refining the numerical value of the "production quality factor", which is included in the mathematical model of the failure rate, is improved. The advantage of the method is the continuous monitoring of the necessary measures contained in the regulatory and technical documentation, when designing radio engineering devices. The effectiveness of the new method in assessing the target level of reliability indicators of radio engineering devices of space equipment is shown.
Keywords: dependability, reliability, production quality factor, electronic device, spacecraft equipment, unmanned automatic spacecraft
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