ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / December, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454- 2021-64-5-398-403

UDC 626.01


Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Department of Higher Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics;

I. V. Zaitseva
Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Department of Higher Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics; Head of the Department

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Abstract. The problem of one of the sections of hydromechanics - hydrostatics is considered in detail, the problem of the hydrostatic stability of canal walls is investigated. The equations of fluid motion are theoretically investigated using mathematical methods. Equations of motion of an ideal fluid are given and integrated for this problem. A mathematical method is applied to isolate the total differential, which allows one to obtain a formula for calculating the fluid pressure exerted on the canal wall. Results of the study of the retaining wall stability depending on its thickness and water level in the canal are presented. The resulting patterns are illustrated graphically. The formulas and graphs given in the article make it possible to highlight the range of possible values for the canal wall height depending on the water level in the canal. An increase in the wall stability with an increase in its thickness is shown, which enables correction of the area of possible geometric characteristics of the retaining wall. The results obtained can be used to calculate the strength of the walls of canals, reservoirs and dams, as well as during their superstructure during a sudden rise in the water level.
Keywords: hydrostatic stability, support walls, assessment, methodology

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