ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-8-626-637

UDC 539.3–681.586


Y. V. Zagashvili
Silicium LLC;

V. G. Rudenko
Silicium LLC;

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Abstract. Dynamic models of piezo energy harvesters (PEH) based on thin single-layer piezoelectric elements (PE) are considered. Using an equivalent circuitry of the piezoelectric harvester, differential equations are obtained and the transfer functions of the PEH, which relate the input variable (the load force on the PE) to the output variables (the voltage and current of the load capacitor), are found. Analytical studies of steady-state and transient processes in PEH under typical loading forces (pulsed, stepped, harmonic) are carried out. It is shown that a sufficient condition for stable piezoelectric energy harvesting, which consists in a continuous charge of the load capacitor, is a non-zero acceleration of the load force on the PE. The influence of the parameters PEH – equivalent values of resistance, capacitance and inductance of PE, resistance of conductors and diodes of the rectifier, capacitance of the load capacitor, load resistance – on transient processes is considered. The estimate of the maximum achievable PEH power at a monoharmonic load force on the PE is obtained. The data of analytical calculations and experimental studies of the piezoelectric energy harvesting in PG with a single-layer disk PE in the load force jump and meander modes are presented. The results of the research are intended for the design of PEH with a known range of loading forces.
Keywords: dynamic characteristics of piezo energy harvesters, piezoelectric disk, stable piezoelectric energy harvesting, equivalent electric circuitry of the piezoelectric harvester, transfer functions of the piezoelectric harvester

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