ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / May, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2022-65-4-262-270

UDC 681.777.8, УДК 004.021


M. M. Nikitin
ITMO University, Faculty of Engineering Research;

F. G. Dobrykh
ITMO University, Faculty of Digital Transformations;

I. A. Konyakhin
ITMO University; Professor

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Abstract. An algorithm for determining rotation angle of the control element for autocollimation system using the reflector in the form of a trihedral control element with a cylindrical face is proposed. This type of reflector is used to determine the three-dimensional angular spatial position of an object. A mathematical model of the reflector is created, which reproduces its interaction with the radiation. On the basis of obtained images, according to the model, an algorithm for determining the control element rotation angle is developed. The algorithm provides image filtering from noise; reducing the thickness of the lines on the image to improve the accuracy of determining the angle of rotation; imposition of a dark area on the center of the image, for the possibility of subsequent clustering of lines; directly determining the angle of rotation of the lines on the image for the subsequent determination of the angle of rotation of the control element. The algorithm makes it possible to analyze the pattern obtained from a reflector with more than one cylindrical face.
Keywords: autocollimation system, cylindrical surface, image processing algorithm, three-dimensional positioning

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