ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / December, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2022-65-6-420-429

UDC 681.5.620.193


A. Y. Kutin
VP Petro In Treid, LLC, Saint Petersburg, 194295, Russian Federation; Software Engineer

V. M. Musalimov
Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, 199178, Russian Federation; Chief Researcher

M. S. Malov
ITMO University, Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics;

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Abstract. Despite the fairly long and successful practice of automating the methods of manufacturing hollow composite products, it is necessary to create a control system for the process of filament winding. The control system must take into account the relationship between the geometric parameters of the winding being created and the parameters of its strained state. In order to correctly account for the properties of the control object, a model of the dynamics of the processes of this method has been developed, subject to changes in the mass of the control object and its moment of inertia. The obtained equations are the basis for creating a control system, where the angular velocity of the mandrel and the increment of the winding radius are used as the control parameter.
Keywords: composite materials, winding, thread tension, winding process control system, Lagrange equations of the 2nd kind

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