DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2022-65-9-677-684
UDC 621.396.67
Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Department of Aerial-Feeder Transmitting Devices, St. Petersburg; Professor
P. V. Savochkin
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Faculty of Radio-Electronic Systems of Space Complexes;
A. V. Chestnykh
Research Institute of Long-Range Radio Communication, 3rd Scientific-Thematic Center; Head of the Center
S. N. Balakirev
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Faculty of Radio-Electronic Systems of Space Complexes; Adjunct
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Abstract. A technique for narrowing the antenna pattern based on joint spatial-temporal processing of signals received at successive moments of time by spatially separated receiving antenna arrays of a quasi-monostatic decameter early warning radar system is presented. The technique application makes it possible to increase the probability of detecting objects located outside the line of sight against the background of powerful interfering interference caused by both the propagation medium and reflections from the underlying surface. The implementation of the methodology will improve the reliability of determining objects located by decameter radar systems.
Keywords: antenna array, underlying surface, amplitude-phase distribution, spatial-temporal processing, radiation pattern, wave front
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