ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-2-162-170

UDC 53.043; 535.016


V. P. Khodunkov
D.I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology, Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russian Federation; Senior Researcher

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Abstract. In order to substantiate the possibility of creating narrow-band radiation of super-Planck intensity, methods for creating high-intensity thermal radiation with a given spectral band have been studied. A method based on a fundamentally new approach to the creation of high-intensity radiant heat fluxes has been developed. The method consists in compressing the initial radiation spectrum to a spectrum of a given width. According to the method, the energy of the initial continuous optical radiation is re-emitted in a given, narrower range of the spectrum, for which a modification of the radiating surface is used in the form of an ordered solid-state microstructure that transforms the spectrum of the initial radiation. The modified radiating surface is created by a system of identical structural elements of a given shape protruding from a flat surface. The elements dimensions of the distances between them are found by calculation based on the required intensity and frequency range of the generated radiation. The possibility of generating narrow-band radiation exceeding Planck radiation by several times in intensity is established and demonstrated. The developed method is in demand in the metrology of temperature and optical measurements, in scientific research and in industry. The method can be used for energy harvesting, in the production of high-performance optical sources in the infrared range, in IR spectroscopy and laser optics, as well as in the development and creation of tunable infrared sources and other efficient applications in the field of energy.
Keywords: anomalous compression, Planck radiation, reradiation, intensity, ordered structure, spectrum


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