DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-11-917-925
UDC 65.011.56
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Department 105 ; Lecturer
A. V. Spesivtsev
Mozhaisky Military Space Academy;
V. V. Lisitskiy
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Department 81; Head of the Department
V. A. Spesivtsev
St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the RAS, North-West Center of Interdisciplinary Researches of Problems of Food Maintenance; Junior Researcher
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Reference for citation: Stolbov A. V., Spesivtsev A. V., Lisitskiy V. V., Spesivtsev V. A. Methodology for assessing the operation system of complex objects based on the fuzzy-possibility approach. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2023. Vol. 66,
N 11. P. 917—925 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-11-917-925.
Abstract. Results of a study on creation of a methodology for assessing the operation system of complex object based on a fuzzy-possibility approach using explicit and implicit professional expert knowledge are presented. The factor space contains seven fuzzy linguistic variables for constructing a fuzzy-possibility mathematical model for assessing the state of objects of ground-based space infrastructure, in which the space tracking and surveillance system is considered as a complex object, and its dependence on the quality of functioning of the corresponding system is also studied. The effectiveness of the created methodology was assessed based on calculations using the constructed fuzzy-possibility model.
Abstract. Results of a study on creation of a methodology for assessing the operation system of complex object based on a fuzzy-possibility approach using explicit and implicit professional expert knowledge are presented. The factor space contains seven fuzzy linguistic variables for constructing a fuzzy-possibility mathematical model for assessing the state of objects of ground-based space infrastructure, in which the space tracking and surveillance system is considered as a complex object, and its dependence on the quality of functioning of the corresponding system is also studied. The effectiveness of the created methodology was assessed based on calculations using the constructed fuzzy-possibility model.
Keywords: operating system, complex technical system, explicit and implicit expert knowledge, fuzzy-possibility model
Acknowledgement: the work was carried out with partial financial support within the framework of the budget theme FFZF-2022-0004.
Acknowledgement: the work was carried out with partial financial support within the framework of the budget theme FFZF-2022-0004.
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