ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-5-425-434

UDC 535.34.083.2:538.56


R. S. Каshaev
; Kazan State Energy University, Department of Instrument Making and Mechatronics;

D. A. Nguyen
Kazan State Energy University, Department of Instrument Making and Mechatronics;

O. V. Kozelkov
Kazan State Energy University, Department of Instrument Making and Mechatronics; Head of the Department ;

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Abstract. A description is given of the improved design of a flow-through proton magnetic resonance (PMR) analyzer for express monitoring of well fluid and oil characteristics. A new technology for the analyzer application in oil production using submersible centrifugal pumps in the structure of the industrial Internet of things with edge computer processing in an intelligent digital oil and gas field is described. Presented results of the work include a new sampling system that increases the representativeness of the selection, and an algorithm for operation of PMR analyzer in the structure of the industrial Internet of things with computer processing, which allows to overcome limitations, reduce the cost of operations, increase the reliability of data and the reliability of equipment operation. The advantages of the PMR relaxometry method and devices based on it for monitoring the properties of liquids and controlling oil production and treatment plants are considered.
Keywords: express control, flow-through, proton, magnetic resonance, industrial Internet of things

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