DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-7-609-614
UDC 681.785
Saint-Petersburg state university of aerospace instrumentation; Associate professor
G. A. Kostin
St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics; Vice-Rector for Science and Digitalization
V. V. Kurlov
St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Department of Innovation and Integrated Quality Systems;
N. E. Baranov
St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation; Department of Aerodynamics and Flight Dynamics; ; Head of the Department
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Reference for citation: Maiorov E. E., Kostin G. A., Kurlov V. V., Baranov N. E. Study of modern aviation hydraulic fluids based on phosphate ester by refractometric method. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2024. Vol. 67, N 7. P. 609–614 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2024-67-7-609-614.
Abstract. Results of a study of modern aviation hydraulic fluids based on phosphate ester carried out with the use of laboratory refractometer IRF "Compact", are presented. Experimental data on the refractive index depending on the concentration and temperature of the solutions of the studied aviation hydraulic fluids are obtained. Highly accurate and reliable information on the composition and consumption of the substance is necessary for the work of airport technical services. The optical diagram and technical parameters of the measuring device are given.
Abstract. Results of a study of modern aviation hydraulic fluids based on phosphate ester carried out with the use of laboratory refractometer IRF "Compact", are presented. Experimental data on the refractive index depending on the concentration and temperature of the solutions of the studied aviation hydraulic fluids are obtained. Highly accurate and reliable information on the composition and consumption of the substance is necessary for the work of airport technical services. The optical diagram and technical parameters of the measuring device are given.
Keywords: refractometer, aviation hydraulic fluid, concentration, temperature coefficient, polynomial, refractive index, approximation
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