ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / February, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2025-68-1-36-49

UDC 004.896


K. S. Lelkov
Moscow Aviation Institute, Department 305;

A. I. Chernomorsky
Moscow Aviation Institute, Department 305;

Reference for citation: Lelkov K. S., Chernomorsky A. I. Hexacopter trajectory control system. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2025. Vol. 68, N 1. P. 36–49 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2025-68-1-36-49.

Abstract. The automatic control system for the movements of a hex-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (hexacopter) during monitoring of the outer surface of an aircraft while parked is investigated. For the previously developed detailed mathematical model of the hexacopter flight, the structure and laws of control of its trajectory motion are proposed in order to minimize its deviations from the specified trajectory. The peculiarity of this structure is the presence of an orientation loop, as well as locomotion and trajectory loops, which allow separating the processes of stabilizing the speed of the unmanned aerial vehicle and its trajectory control. The control laws in the trajectory loop are presented, formed on the basis of using linear regulators and proportional limiters of the required speeds of the unmanned vehicle. The results of the synthesis of control laws in the locomotion loop are presented based on the use of the successive returns method of P. V. Kokotovich. A variant of forming the required values of engine thrust of the unmanned aerial vehicle by imposing additional restrictions on its dynamics is proposed and substantiated. The results of the simulation modeling of the hexacopter flight in different modes are presented: altitude gain, horizontal flight, vertical landing, turn at a constant altitude. The results of the modeling confirme the validity of the technical solutions adopted in the work.
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, automatic control system, trajectory control, stability criteria, robotics, simulation

Acknowledgement: The study was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 23-2900958).

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