ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)
List of authors

List of authors

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

Chakchir Sergey Ya. (PHD; LLC Scientific Production Enterprise “ADVENT”, Executive Manager)

Chebotarev Stanislav (Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics)

Chebotareva Yulia K. (St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Department of Programming Technologies)

Chebotarevsky Yury V. (Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Department of Applied Mathematics and System Analysis)

Chechulin Andrey A.. (St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Computer Security Problems)

Chechurov Pavel S. (ITMO University, Department of Applied and Computer Optics )

Chekhonin Igor A. (St. Petersburg State University, Department of Optics )

Chekhonin Mikhail A. (St. Petersburg State University, Department of Optics )

Chekmarev Sergey A.. (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Institute of Computer Science and Telecommunications)

Chemezov Vitaliy O.. (Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of RAS, Laboratory of Mechanics of Polymer Composite Materials)

Chen Yifan . (ITMO University)

Chepinskiy Sergey A.. (ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation)

Chepinsky Sergey A. (ITMO University)

Chepurnoy Alexander (Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics)

Cherevko Nikolay (ITMO University)

Cherkasov Kirill V.. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Department of Radio-Electronic Systems and Devices)

Cherkasova Dina Nikolaevna (ITMO University, 197101, Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Chernenkaya Ludmila V.. (Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Higher School of Cyber Physical Systems and Con-trol)

Chernetskaya Irina E. (Kursk State Technical University, Department of Computer Technique)

Chernetsky Nicolay P. (The Russian Federation Ministry of Defense, 4th Central Research Institute)

Chernomorets Andrey A.. (Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, 308015, Russian Federation)

Chernomorsky Alexandr I.. (Moscow Aviation Institute, Department 305)

Chernov Valery A.. (ITMO University, Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics)

Chernov Nikolay N.. (Southern Federal University, Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Instrumentation)

Cherny S.. P.. (Komsomolsk-na-Amure State University, Department of Electric Drive and Automation of Industrial Installations; Head of the Department)

Chernyak Tatiana A.. (St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, Department of Higher Mathematics)

Chernyakov Vadim G.. (А. A. Maksimov Space Systems Research Institute − Branch of Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center JSC;)

Chernyavskikh Alina E.. (A. F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy, Department of Technologies and Means of Complex Processing and Transfer of Information in Automated Control Systems)

Chernykh Sergey V. (Volgograd State University, Department of Telecommunication Systems)

Chernykh AGerman A. (St. Petersburg State University; STC Ltd., St. Petersburg)

Chernykh Alexander V.. (Russian Federal Nuclear Center All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics)

Chernysh Natalia Yu. (V. A. Almazov National Medical Research Center, Department of Laboratory Medicine with Clinic)

Chernyshov Alexander A.. (Space Research Institute of the RAS, Department of Space Plasma Physics)

Chernyshov Maksim I.. (Ioffe Institute; Technician)

Chertkov Sergey V. (“Vector” Research Institute)

Chertoriyskiy Alexey A.. (Ulyanovsk branch of the Federal budget institution of science V. A. Kotelnikov Institute of radio engineering and electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Chertov Alexander N.. (ITMO University)

Chertovskoy Vladimir D. (St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design, Department of Information and Control Systems)

Chesnokov Vladimir V. (Siberian State Academy of Geodesy, Department of Physics)

Chesnokov Dmitry V. (Siberian State Academy of Geodesy, Department of Physics)

Chestnykh Aleksandеr V.. (Research Institute of Long-Range Radio Communication, 3rd Scientific-Thematic Center)

Chetverikov Evgeny A. (A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Department of Technologies and Means for Automating the Processing and Analysis of Spacecraft Information )

Chevokin Viktor K. (Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Natural Sciences Center, Moscow)

Chichkova Elena F. (St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Center of space services "Kosmo-Inform-Сenter" )

Chickrin Dmitry E.. (PhD, Associate Professor; Kazan Federal University, Department of Cyber-Physical Technologies; Head of the Department)

Chikhalev Yuri V. (St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Department of Laser Technologies and Applied Ecology)

Chikhonadskikh Alexander P. (State Scientific-Research Institute of Applied Problems, St. Petersburg )

Chin Kuang Kien (Moscow Physical-Technical Institute (State University))

Chistikov Pavel («Speech Technologies Center», Ltd.)

Chistyakov Viktor V.. (ITMO University, Department of Mechatronics)

Chistyakova Nina Ya. (Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University, Department of Medical Informatics and Physics, St. Petersburg)

Chmutin Alexey M.. (Volgograd State University, Department of Information Systems and Computer Simulation)

Chobanzade Imran G. (National Aerospace Agency of the Azerbaijan Republic)

Chuba Alexander Yu. (Tyumen State Agricultural Academy, Department of General Technical Disciplines)

Chugina Julia V.. (ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation)

Chugunin Dmitriy V.. (Space Research Institute of the RAS, Department of Space Plasma Physics)

Chugunov Andrey V. (Cand. Politic. Sci., St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, eGoverment Center)

Chugunov Sergey A. (ITMO University, Department of Optical Instruments Computerization and Design)

Chuiko V.. A.. (ITMO University)

Chukarin Alexey V. (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Department of Telecommunication Systems)

Chukichev Artemiy V.. (ITMO University, Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics)

Chulkov Valery A. (Penza State Academy of Technology, Department of Computers and Computing Systems)

Churayev Sergey (ITMO University)

Churikov Alexey B. (JSC “STC Zavod Leninets”)

Churkin Yury V. (North-West State Technical University, Department of Physics)