ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 67 / December, 2024

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2017-60-6-560-564

UDC 621.313.223.2


A. A. Gribovsky
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Associate Professor

K. P. Ivashkova
ITMO University, Department of Instrumentation Technologies; Student

N. A. Demkovich
Bee Pitron SP, Ltd., Saint Petersburg, 191014, Russian Federation; Head of R&D Project Support Section

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Abstract. The main provisions of the concept of adaptive platform for technological equipment ADAPTEQ are cited. The list of problems that need to be addressed to implement ADAPTEQ, are formulated. The logic is described and the main aspects of web-oriented system management platform are presented. Peculiarities of application of the hardware interface to enable machine-to-machine interaction are discussed. The logic of joint work of various production units in the frames of Smart-M3 approach is demonstrated.
Keywords: numerical control system, unified equipment, cyber physical systems, cloud technologies, Smart-M3

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