DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2017-60-8-781-786
UDC 004.056.53
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Head of Chair
I. S. Kowalskiy
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; postgraduate
S. M. Volkov
All-Russian Research Institute of Fats; Department of Study of Fats;
A. N. Lisitsyn
All-Russian Research Institute of Fats; Director
A. V. Fedorov
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Russian Research Institute of Fats, Saint Petersburg, 191119, Russian Federation ; Associate Professor
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Abstract. The need for vegetable oil is growing steadily, so increasing the volume of production. In addition, vegetable oil occupies a large segment of exports. Growth of volumes of production of vegetable oils requires new ways of management of technological processes. Fundamentally new methods of determining quality indicators of vegetable oils at all stages of production can become competitive. New opportunities are opened up by electrophysical methods. Although the methods are known for a long time, scientists come to the problem of practical implementation of the approach only in our time. This is due to the capabilities and availability of modern measuring, analyzing, computing, and software. The presented studies have used a specially designed experimental electrophysical setup and chromatograph Bruker SCION 436-GC. The relationship between the fatty acid composition of oils and the rate of change of the voltage amplitude of the signal at certain frequencies is established. The possibility of the use of electro-dynamic methods for determining quality parameters of vegetable oils as a base of a relatively inexpensive and reliable devices for production process control is justified.
Keywords: electrophysical characteristics, electromagnetic field, frequency, amplitude, vegetable oil, fatty acid composition, quality, technology
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