ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / February, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-2-174-180

UDC 681.52


S. A. Kolyubin
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Associate Professor

N. Y. Dema
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; engineer

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Abstract. The problem of manual control of a wheelchair with an electric motor is considered when there is an error in the control task coming from the joystick. A joint control algorithm is developed to prevent collisions with obstacles during movement in a complex dynamic environment. Identification of obstacles is carried out with the help of optical range finders installed along the perimeter of the control object in question. Results of experimental approbation of the developed algorithm with the use of the Robotino mobile robotics platform (FestoDidactic) are presented.
Keywords: mobile robot, shared control, collision avoidance

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