DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2018-61-3-267-273
UDC 681.23: 681.787.7
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Professor
E. E. Majorov
Saint-Petersburg state university of aerospace instrumentation; Associate professor
A. C. Mashek
Budyonny Military Academy of Communications, Department of Physics and Mathematics, St. Petersburg; Senior Lecturer
G. A. Tsygankova
Naval Polytechnic Institute, Department of Physics; PhD
T. V. Zharkova
Mikhailovskaya Artillery Military Academy, Department of Mathematical, Natural-Scientific, and General Professional Disciplines; Associate Professor
M. V. Khokhlova
A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, Department of Physics; Associate Professor
E. A. Pisareva
Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy, Department of Mathematical, Natural-Scientific, and General Professional Subjects; Senior Lecturer
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Abstract. Analysis of Michelson interferometer operation in two measurement modes: touch-trigger and scanning, is carried out. A method is proposed for eliminating measurement errors introduced by longitudinal component of the speckle structure when the instrument is in trigger mode. The case of a relatively slow transverse component of random modulation of object signal is considered; the component is responsible for the emergence of the longitudinal component leadings to increased measurement errors. Requirements to the elements and settings of micro-scan are formulated.
Keywords: Michelson interferometer, speckle structure, spatial micro-scanning, radiation wavelength, coordinate measuring device
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