ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / January, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2020-63-2-163-169

UDC 921.01


L. V. Efremov
St. Petersburg State Engineering Institute, Department of Abrasive Technologies; Professor

A. V. Tikalov
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg, 195251, Russian Federation; JSC “Compressor”, Saint Petersburg, 194044, Russian Federation; Postgraduate; Head of Section

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Abstract. The process of wear of a flat sample from the insertion of a rotating disk under the influence of a constant normal load is considered. A model is proposed that allows for a correct estimation of both line-ar and mass wear intensity. Decomposition of the exact geometric formula for calculating segment height and area into the Taylor makes it possible to simplify calculation of the studied parameters de-pendence from the chord length. The proposed model is noted to have the following advantages: a sim-ple and technological design of the test sample in the form of a rectangular bar of small dimensions; ac-curate and simple determination of linear and mass wear along the length of the chord; possibility of conducting accelerated tests of the wear resistance of various materials both during abrasive wear and during tests with a lubricant. The described method effectiveness is confirmed by comparative testing of the wear resistance of several real materials with an assessment of the influence of certain technological factors.
Keywords: wear, wear resistance, material, friction machine, sample, testing, estimate, friction, segment, chord, disk

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