ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / February, 2025

DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2020-63-12-1066-1072

UDC 004.932.721


A. A. Azbekian
ITMO University, Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics;

A. A. Pyrkin
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Full Professor, Dean

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Abstract. An algorithm for estimating the position and orientation of an object on the stage using a stereo vision system is presented. The algorithm is reported to be extremely important in modern robotic production when building control systems with elements of artificial intelligence. A feature of the proposed solution is the analysis of three-dimensional geometry of objects based on information obtained from two-dimensional images. The developed algorithm can be applied in the problems of non-destructive testing of pipelines using robotic flaw detectors equipped with video cameras. Such robotic flaw detectors use various diagnostic methods; application of the developed stereo vision algorithm can provide continuous control of the pipeline surface (100 % coverage), as well as autonomous maneuvering and passage of pipeline elements.
Keywords: stereo vision, stereoscopy, point clouds, computer vision, position estimation.

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