DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2023-66-1-7-15
UDC 65.01:621.9:658.5:65.011.56:004.9
ITMO University, Department of Instrumentation Technology, St. Petersburg;
O. S. Timofeeva
ITMO University, Department of Instrumentation Technology; Student
Y. I. Yablochnikov
ITMO University; Department Head
E. E. Volosatova
JSC Techpribor, CAD/CAM Technologies Bureau ; Head of the Bureau
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Abstract. The problems of information integration of design and technological preparation of production are considered. A technique for constructing 3D models of parts based on the use of unified and standard structural and technological elements with the account of their structural levels and directed formation of each part model, is described. Application of the proposed methodology facilitates the possibility of transforming models when solving technological problems, including for construction of operational blanks models, calculating technological dimensions, and developing control programs for equipment with numerical control. The described method is most effective when introducing multi-operational digital technological processes into production.
Keywords: design preparation of production, technological preparation of production, unified information space, product life cycle, digital model of a product, 3D model of a part, technological process, 3D model of an operational workpiece, CNC machine
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