DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2025-68-2-133-140
UDC 550.34.038.8
Concern CSRI Elektropribor; Leading Engineer
E. A. Yakushina
Concern CSRI Elektropribor ;
Reference for citation: Volobuev S. A., Yakushina E. A. Assessment of instrumental errors of a tilt meter based on a pendulum compensation accelerometer. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2025. Vol. 68, N 2. P. 133–140 (in Russian). DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2025-68-2-133-140.
Abstract. Components of instrumental error of a precision tilt meter, in which pendulum compensation accelerometers are used as sensing elements, are considered. The use of a rotary platform in the design of the tilt meter makes it possible to minimize the effect of temperature on the result of measuring the angle of inclination of the surface, and thus compensate for the change in the zero offset of the accelerometer over time. The errors in measuring the angle of inclination of the foundation on which the test equipment is installed caused by errors in accelerometers and the tilt platform of the tilt meter have been evaluated, and the causes of their occurrence have been investigated. Solutions are proposed to minimize the impact of these errors.
Abstract. Components of instrumental error of a precision tilt meter, in which pendulum compensation accelerometers are used as sensing elements, are considered. The use of a rotary platform in the design of the tilt meter makes it possible to minimize the effect of temperature on the result of measuring the angle of inclination of the surface, and thus compensate for the change in the zero offset of the accelerometer over time. The errors in measuring the angle of inclination of the foundation on which the test equipment is installed caused by errors in accelerometers and the tilt platform of the tilt meter have been evaluated, and the causes of their occurrence have been investigated. Solutions are proposed to minimize the impact of these errors.
Keywords: surface tilt measurement, pendulum compensation accelerometer, precision tilt meter, error model, zero offset
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