ITMO University; student
K. A. Zimenko
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Senior Scientific Researcher
A. A. Margun
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, 199178, Russian Federation; Associate professor; Scientific Researcher
A. S. Kremlev
ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, 197101, Russian Federation; Associate professor
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Abstract. Principle of operation, construction, and control system of active hand prosthesis with 7 DOF are described. Requirements for these devices are always ambivalent. For example, number of control signals decreases with increasing of amputation’s degree. But at the same time operator needs to increase number of active joints. An algorithm for control over the device based on application of EEG control signals, force sensitive sensors, and accelerometer is developed. The control system makes it possible to increase the number of active DOF, improve the system accuracy, and compensate external disturbances and reactive torque caused by the prosthesis movement.
artificial limb, electroencephalography signal, disturbances compensation, human-machine interface