Ссылка для цитирования : Ponomareva M. A., Kramlikh A. V. Comparison of algorithms for determining a space vehicle orientation based on one-time measurements. Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2025. Vol. 68, N 1. P. 89–97 (in Russian). DOI:
Аннотация. The problem of determining the orientation of a spacecraft using instantaneous measurements is investigated. A number of algorithms for determining the spacecraft orientation using one-time measurements of various physical nature are presented: TRIAD, Optimized TRIAD, q-Method, QUEST, ESOQ, ESOQ2, SVD. The following properties of the algorithms implemented in the MatLab mathematical package are analyzed: running time, average value and standard deviation of the orientation determination error measure, and the number of floating-point operations.
Аннотация. The problem of determining the orientation of a spacecraft using instantaneous measurements is investigated. A number of algorithms for determining the spacecraft orientation using one-time measurements of various physical nature are presented: TRIAD, Optimized TRIAD, q-Method, QUEST, ESOQ, ESOQ2, SVD. The following properties of the algorithms implemented in the MatLab mathematical package are analyzed: running time, average value and standard deviation of the orientation determination error measure, and the number of floating-point operations.
Ключевые слова: spacecraft, orientation, algorithm, one-time measurements, rotation matrix, quaternion, performance, accuracy, floating point calculations
Благодарность: The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 23-67-10007
Список литературы:
Благодарность: The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant No. 23-67-10007
Список литературы:
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