ISSN 0021-3454 (print version)
ISSN 2500-0381 (online version)

vol 68 / February, 2025


Abstract. An optoelectronic device is considered, which implements a three-axis gyrostabilization system that ensuring effective operation in pitching conditions. A finite element model of the optoelectronic device functioning under the action of harmonic vibration and mechanical shocks associated with its operating conditions is calculated. The effect of dynamic influences on the position of the axes of sight of the optical devices included in the device is investigated. The deviations of the sighting axes obtained as a result of the calculation under the action of harmonic vibration exceed the permissible values. In order to reduce the influence of dynamic effects on the accuracy characteristics of the optoelectronic device, recommendations are given for refining the design to improve vibration tolerance.
Keywords: optical-electronic device, gyrostabilizer, three-axis stabilization system, laser rangefinder, sighting axes, vibration tolerance


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