DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2015-58-5-385-392
UDC 621.373.826; 621.372.8; 535.211; 534-143
State Educational Establishment of High Professional Education “Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics”; Associate professor
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Abstract. Properties of a fiber optic optoacoustic converter (FOAC) of IR pulsed diode laser radiation into acoustical energy are studied. The FOAC is devised in two steps on the end of quartz fiber used for transfer of the laser radiation, and generates a directed stream of microbubbles when placed in the water. Application of the FOAC for cleaning a solid surface of adsorbed material is considered. Data obtained with scanning electron microscopy and X-ray structural analysis of the converter composition are presented as well as results of the converter optical transmission measurements and high-speed shooting of its operation. Acoustic signals generated by the converter in the water under exposure to laser radiation (λ=980±10 nm) are recorded.
Keywords: optical fiber, semiconductor (diode) laser, converter, laser radiation, high-speed video, temperature, acoustic