DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2015-58-7-543-549
UDC 513; 535
The State Research Navigation-Hydrographic Institute;
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Reference for citation: Guzevich S. N. On stereoscopic measurement method // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Priborostroenie. 2015. Vol. 58, N 7. P. 543—549 (in Russian).
Abstract. The stereoscopic measurement method using optical and electromagnetic meters are analyzed. An explanation for systematic errors in electromagnetic field measurements using a single meter is provided. Geometric and temporal dependencies of object position and size determined with the use of the stereoscopic method are derived. The dependences are shown to coincide with relations between the images and the object size obtained from the general relativity principle.
Abstract. The stereoscopic measurement method using optical and electromagnetic meters are analyzed. An explanation for systematic errors in electromagnetic field measurements using a single meter is provided. Geometric and temporal dependencies of object position and size determined with the use of the stereoscopic method are derived. The dependences are shown to coincide with relations between the images and the object size obtained from the general relativity principle.
Keywords: stereoscopic method, display, measurement, conjugate projection coordinate system