DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2015-58-11-920-926
UDC 004.001;004.001.57;
ITMO University; Professor
S. P. Dmitrieva
ITMO University, Department of Optical and Digital Systems and Technologies; Research Engineer
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Abstract. An analytical model is developed for multi-parameter technical system state assessment. The model allows monitoring of the system objective functions during its operation on the base of a posteriori information. The model construction calls for identification of the system basic features and characteristic peculiarities, as well as limitations presented at the structural level as a set of domains; the requirements make it possible correct the system parameters ensuring their invariance with respect to disturbances. Application of the analytical model to assessment of the state of a multi-parameter technical system considered in relation to complex hierarchical distributed multi-agent dynamic measuring systems to be designed in the framework of the project on construction of weather station complex.
Keywords: computer modeling, analytical model, prediction, algorithm, evaluation, energy domain, complex hierarchical multi-agent dynamic measuring system
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