DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2015-58-12-1016-1021
UDC 621.01
ITMO University, Department of Computer System Design and Security; Post-Graduate Student
R. Y. Labkovskaya
ITMO University; student
O. I. Pirozhnikova
ITMO University; Ph.D.
V. L. Tkalich
ITMO University; Professor
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Abstract. Analysis of associated masses of fluid and oscillation frequencies of bellows sensing elements with the account for their specific configuration and number of corrugations is carried out. Mathematical models of bellows sensing elements dynamics in compensatory devices of the type used in control systems applied in viscous environment requiring introduction of associated masses in corresponding dynamic equations are developed. The consideration of the bellows sensing element dynamics is based on the flat sections method; amendment to the spatial flow of the corrugation of the bellows is introduced, and transition to a system with lumped parameters is performed. Correctness and adequacy of the developed mathematical models are confirmed by comparison of calculated values with the data of experiments performed with specially designed test bench to study the associated masses of fluid with various viscosity for a number of bellows sensing elements. It is shown that the developed mathematical models and methods of calculation of associated masses under external flow calls for introduction of a correcting factor depending on the specific configuration of the corrugation of the bellows (toroidal or disc-like).
Keywords: bellows sensing element, associated mass, cylindrical shell, convolute, mathematical model
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