DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2016-59-4-275-281
UDC 535.8
Rostov State Transport University, Department of Automatics and Telemechanics on Railway Transport, Rostov-on-Don; Professor
S. M. Kovalev
Rostov State Transport University, Department of Automatics and Telemechanics on Railway Transport, Rostov-on-Don; Professor
V. V. Kamensky
Rostov State Transport University, Department of Automatics and Telemechanics on Railway Transportation, Rostov-on-Don;
P. A. Kucherenko
Rostov State University of Means of Communication, Department of Automatics and Telemechanics on Railway Transport; Post-Graduate Student
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Abstract. The problem of stochastic filtering of inter-satellite measurements used to identify the current position of the navigation satellites is considered. A filtering algorithm for data exchanges between satellites is proposed. The data include parameters of the satellite trajectories and ordinates estimates; the algorithm covers transmission and reception of navigation messages; determining pseudo-ranges and pseudo-speed of selected satellites relative to other ones; solution of the system of the filtering equations and evaluation of current coordinates of the satellites. The proposed approach to stochastic estimation of motion parameters allows to determine the current coordinates of the navigation satellite just on board using simple techniques of radio and laser measurements, thus reducing computational load on consumer receivers and telemetry tracking stations. More than that, the described method is reported to improve the overall accuracy of navigation due to the higher accuracy of inter-satellite measurements made in space as compared to telemetric measurements affected by to atmospheric disturbances.
Keywords: satellite navigation, pseudorange measurement error, satellite coordinates
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